About Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a dental process useful in discarding the whole internal parts, normally pulp chamber of the tooth. It additionally associated with the filling of the ready vacant cavity with appropriate bio-compatible material.
The doctor diagnoses a patient and suggest for the treatment if the root canal is decayed.
The tooth region is separated with the use of rubber dam kit, which is a rubber sheet fitted with the assist of clamps or clips surrounding the tooth which needs to be treated. This separation is useful in operation for the dentist with no trouble and stops the entry of mixing of fluids from saliva in the mouth.
The dentist could later prepare a cavity by the use of an aerotor which is completed with perfect outline and depth into the root, but this does not remove all the contents of the pulp chamber. Afterwards the root canal files are used to completely clean the root. These root canal files grow in width when they enter the root and aid in abolition of the pulp of the tooth.
After this is finished, there are two approach of which one is pick by the dentist – Either do all things in a single seating or fill the cavity with a soothing medicine with short-term filling material for a week until the succeeding sitting is called for the accomplishment of the process.
The utilization of soothing medicine is that it prevents the extend of additional infection, if there was any previous to the cavity preparation, or also prevention of happening of any new infection in that area.
The last stage involve the filling of the canal with some plastic material which are bio- compatible, and after the canal is filled, a suitable and a esthetic regular cement filling is done over it, which can be go along with crown placement.
How many sittings are required?
The dentist would attempt to make the treatment planning for the simplicity of the patient, but there are a few elements which determine the amount of sitting.
- The position of tooth in the mouth, maxillary molars need more time than the mandibular ones.
- Number of roots available in a tooth and number of root canals notice in the roots, because each of the canal is to be vacant and fulfills with the filling material.
- The length and thickness of root canals.
- If the tooth has lost via some treatment before, such as crown placement, then it takes extra time for the whole procedure instead of the normal tooth with some small filling.
Some facts to remember.
Root canals are performing to protect a tooth, the calcified tissues of the tooth. This assist in managing the jaw integrity. If the whole tooth is take out, the area in between the adjacent teeth will lead to shifting near of those teeth if a bridge or implant positioning is not finished perfectly there. Therefore, a root canal treatment is recommended for the protection of the tooth throughout an infection.
The width of the calcified structure should be think by the dentist as they are more brittle and can break down. So to managing and reinstate a tooth formation, crown placement is generally suitable.
Any endodontic infection is along with swelling because of inflammation of that area, which happens after the necrosis or death of the oral tissue. This, if not look after, shall grow to all the parts of the oral cavity and occasionally would result in to medical problem.
When root canal is over, it does not compose the tooth completely dead. Discarded of the pulp contents does not make the tooth dead. The thought for this is that the tooth still gets enough nourishment from the adjacent tissues and from the alveolar bone. So it is not consider as a dead tooth, and it can be reinstated and manage the integrity of the alveolar bone and dental arch when a crown is positioned over it.